Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting on Tuesday 3rd May 2016 Wateringbury Village Hall – 8.30pm after the Parish Council meeting
Cllr R Tripp (Chairman) Cllr Mrs L Simons
Cllr M Cayzer Cllr M Wells
Cllr D Marks Cllr Mrs C Moreland
Cllr C Talbert Cllr J Evans
In attendance
Mrs S Cockburn – Clerk to the Council
Cllr S Jessel -Tonbridge & Malling Borough Councillor
Cllr D Stones
20 members of the public
1 Apologies for absence
2 Declarations of interest
3 Planning Applications
Demolition of existing conservatory and porch, and erection of single storey front extension
Gransden Mews 246A Tonbridge Road
No Objection
Demolition of the existing Greensted Residential Care Home and the erection of 51 Older person’s extra care units (C2 use class) with associated communal facilities, landscaping and parking at Abbeyfield Greensted Residential Home 156 The Orpines
Plans of the new proposals were laid out for members of the public to view. The time for comments to Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council had officially closed. The Chairman opened the meeting to the public for comments.
Mrs D Norton – Tonbridge Road
Huge building
Inadequate parking facilities possible pushing parking on to Tonbridge Road
Robert Bowie – The Orpines
Building far too big in what is a quiet corner of the village
Barry Cann – The Orpines
Provided drawings on sewage for the original application in 2105
Transport Statement showing less that a 1/3rd parking space for residents.
Building too big
Phil Clark -The Orpines
The four storey building will look into gardens of neighbouring properties
Building unattractive and not in keeping with the village. Inadequate parking. Parking in The Orpines makes it difficult for refuse lorries who have to mount the pavement to get past. Photo evidence was passed around councillors. Problems for emergency fire and ambulance vehicles.
John Thilthorpe The Orpines
No social housing –
Commercial venture
Setting a dangerous precedent for the future
Mrs C Coates – Cobbs Close
Inadequate parking
Village need building to be turned back into a care home
Only 3hrs care for elderly per week
It was stated that care would be assessed by Social Services, and the four storey building would be lower in the ground
Cllr Simon Jessel stated that Kent County Council had changed is policy to support new care in the community. Central Government has taken away funding for social care. Cllr Jessel stated that Abbeyfield may consider opening the canteen to the public. A decision would be made by Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council Area 2 Planning Committee at which members of the public would be allowed to speak for a maximum of 3 minutes
Cllr Marks stated the new care in the community was funded by Kent County Council and Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council
Cllr Marks read out some comments by Teston Parish Council
The Air Quality Assessment recognises that air quality at the Wateringbury crossroads is poor and that the location is declared as an AQMA. However, the applicant then concludes no mitigation measures are proposed as air quality is a low consideration with regard to the impact of the development. We have difficulty understanding how this assertion can be correct. The Wateringbury crossroads is already under considerable strain as a result of expansion at Kings Hill and Hermitage Lane, Maidstone. We are certain that these developments have contributed to the worsening of air quality. The proposed development is considerably larger than the existing Greensted development and significantly more vehicle movements will occur. Any further decrease in air quality cannot be acceptable and we ask you to impose mitigation measures should the development proceed’
Cllr Marks stated 148 comments were shown on the Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council website. 146 objections and 2 in support.
The Area 2 Planning Committee could still approve the application
The Chairman asked the Committee to vote on the revised planning application Votes in favour 3 Votes against 5
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and the meeting was closed at 9.40pm
The proposal does not meet the requirements of Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council Policy CP24 in its design, scale, density, layout, siting, character and appearance. The size and bulk of the building does not respect the site and its surroundings. It fails the test of SO1 of the DPD as it fails to protect, conserve and where possible enhance the environment.
The greatly increased density proposed in addition to recently approved large scale developments which will use the A26 through Wateringbury would further exacerbate the already poor air quality in the AQMA in Wateringbury and no air quality mitigation measures are proposed or considered necessary in the proposal.
The change of use proposed as part of this application would not provide any necessary social or affordable housing to replace the care facilities lost by the demolition of the existing home.
Inadequate parking especially if the hairdressers/restaurant will be open to the public