
Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting 12th May 2016

Minutes Uploaded on February 22, 2017



 Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting held on Thursday 12th May 2016

7.30pm in Wateringbury Village Hall



Cllr R Tripp (Chairman)                      Apologies:

Cllr  M Cayzer                                    Cllr D Marks

Cllr  C Talbert                                     Cllr M Wells                          

Cllr Mrs C Moreland                            Cllr J Evans

Cllr D Stones

Cllr Mrs L Simons                                      

In attendance:

Mrs S J Cockburn – Clerk to the Council

Members of the public – 1

1           Chairman’s Report

      Nothing raised.

2           Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting 19th May 2015

   Nothing raised

3           Budget Report 2015/2016

Cllr Stones confirmed the village hall covered their own costs from the hall hire, and there were contingencies in place to cover future costs.  The Village Hall AGM is in August.  The Trustees are Cllr Stones, Mike Hoiles, Rod Hannon, Sara Hudson and Alan Button

The yearly rent for Drayhorse Meadow (£4800) was raised and it was suggested a possible rise in the rent could be considered when the lease comes up for renewal in February 2017.  Cllr Cayzer said he felt the rent should not be increased.

Nothing else on the Budget was raised

4           Wateringbury School Report

Mrs Chasey Crawford Usher- Head Teacher,  had prepared an annual report.  Councillors found this a very good comprehensive report and thanked Mrs Crawford Usher for her time

5        Any other items

Nothing raised

6        Parishioners Questions

Mr Syd Thompsett put various questions to Councillors

He asked if Councillors would speak louder at meetings so all in the public could hear.  The Chairman said this would be taken on board for future meetings

He also asked why some Councillors had voted against the change in Standing Orders to allow dispensation to Councillors Declaration of Interests.  Cllr Mrs Simon said she felt there was a conflict of interest and that was why she had voted against

He said he was sorry to see the loss of the care home in The Orpines.

He stated that Wateringbury had the second highest precept in the borough.  The Chairman said that due to possible future losses of support from Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council the Parish Council would have to look to reducing some costs to compensate

Finally Mr Thompsett said that on behalf of parishioners he would like to thank the Parish Council for their time and effort on behalf of the village.   The Chairman thanked Mr Thompson


The Chairman closed meeting at 8.15pm