
Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting 2nd October 2018

Minutes Uploaded on November 7, 2018


Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held on

Tuesday 2nd October 2018

Wateringbury Village Hall – immediately after the Parish Council meeting



Cllr M Wells (Chairman)

Cllr L Simons (Vice Chairman)                                               

Cllr D Marks

Cllr F Fielding

Cllr R Tripp


In attendance

Mrs S Cockburn – Clerk to the Council

Christine Byron – Rostrum correspondent

1 member of the public

  • Apologies for absence – none
  • Declarations of Interest/Dispensations – none
  • Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held on 4th September 2018  to be approved for accuracy – The Minutes were approved and signed as a correct record
  • Planning Applications



Single storey front side and rear extension and two storey rear extension. Alterations to TM/18/01104/FL

Mill Meadow House 22 Mill Lane


Whilst we have no objection to the proposed alterations to TM/18/01107/FL , subject to the Local Planning Authority’s more detailed observations, we have been asked to re confirm local residents’ concerns re the continuing environmental consequences of the actual construction. We have had representations from local residents who have been seriously affected by the approved development carried out at 22 Mill Lane, by contractors’ and suppliers’ delivery vehicles to the site using Love Lane to the south and the bridge to Mill Lane. Damage is being caused to the physical boundaries of the carriageway by such use and the apparent lack of conditions attaching to the original approval for 22 Mill Lane, TM/18/01107/FL.

If the Planning Authority decides to permit the above application we would ask that new conditions are imposed as follows:-

  1. Access to the site only from Mill Lane (north) even if this requires reversing from Tonbridge Road.
  2. The previous consultation response that the unobstructed width of Mill Lane being 5.5m does not require conditions regulating size of vehicles attending the development be revisited in view of the verge and overhanging growth now significantly affecting such a conclusion.
  3. The applicant should produce an up to date condition survey of the roads, verges, boundaries and buildings fronting Love Lane and Mill Lane to the south of the site so that the same can be reinstated by condition or legal agreement.
  4. Hours of working to be limited to normal working hours and excluding weekends to minimise periods when access to adjoining residents homes is prevented by commercial vehicles. Evenings and weekends is when this is the most disruptive to residents in Love Lane and Mill Lane


Proposed first floor side extension

7 Phoenix Drive

Comment – No objection


Demolition of existing stables with extant consent for residential conversion and erection of replacement dwelling

Coppice Court 70 TestonRoad

Comment – The Parish Council has no objection but would ask the Officer to ensure the conditions/informatives on TM/16/00306/FL planning permission are complied with

The meeting was closed at approximately 9.55pm