Minutes of Planning Committee meeting Tuesday 1st March 2022 held immediately after the Parish Council Meeting
Cllr P Gregson (Chairman)
Cllr M Wells (Vice Chairman)
Cllr R Tripp
Cllr D Marks
Cllr L Simons
Cllr F Fielding
In attendance
Mrs S Cockburn – Clerk to the Council
Mrs C Byron – Rostrum correspondent
0 Members of the public
1 Apologies for absence – None
2 Declarations of Interest/Dispensations – Cllr Gregson declared an interest in TM/22/00152/FL and took no further part in discussions. Cllr Wells then led the meetin
3 Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting 1st February 2022
To be approved for accuracy
The Minutes having been read were approved by Cllr Fielding and seconded by Cllr Tripp and signed as a correct record
4 Planning Applications
316 Old Road
Demolition pf existing conservatory and lean to. Erection of a single storey rear extension ad insertion of a rear dormer
Comment: The Parish Council has no objection but is concerned the proposed Dormer Window at the rear of the
building is not a pitched slate roof to match the Dormer window of the front of the property. As the property is in the conservation area, a decision for the Conservation officer.
The meeting closed at 8.52pm