Minutes of Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday 31st January 2017
7.30pm in Wateringbury Village Hall
Cllr R Tripp – Chairman
Cllr M Wells – Vice Chairman
Cllr M Cayzer
Cllr C Talbert
Cllr D Stones
In attendance:
Mrs S J Cockburn – Clerk to the Council
0 Members of the public
Item 1 – Apologies – Cllr Lin Simons
Item 2 – Declarations of Interest – none
Item 3 – The Chairman then moved the meeting went into Private Session
Any members of the public and press present asked to leave.
Drayhorse Meadow Lease
The Chairman stated Council had received 3 bids for the lease to Drayhorse Meadow from:
1 Mrs Lesley Monk – £400 per calendar month
2 Pukka Ponies Rescue – £500 per calendar month plus an upfront payment of 6 months rents in advance if rent agreed
3 Miss Emily Simpson – £480 per calendar month
Councillors discussed these bids carefully, and agreed there were issues/concerns on all three and more information was required. In the case of Pukka Monies a Bankers Reference was needed.
It was agreed that a deposit of £1,000 be asked for, which would be refunded at the termination of the lease less any monies needed to cover loss or repair. It was agreed that for the next lease, the Parish Council would take out insurance for the property and charge the cost to the tenant. This will ensure that should there be an incident that is the subject of an insurance claim, monies paid out will come directly to the Parish Council enabling them to undertake restoration of the property.
Terms of a lease would need to be agreed. Cllr Cayzer said he was in favour of a long lease with 3year rent reviews.
The Chairman then asked for a vote on Councillors first preference.
2 votes for Lesley Monk, 2 for Pukka Ponies Rescue, 1 for Emily Simpson
A second vote was taken after removing the applicant with the lowest vote – Emily Simpson. The result was 3 votes for Lesley Monk and 2 votes for Pukka Ponies Rescue.
Councillors agreed the Chairman should commence negotiations with Lesley Monk on the terms of the lease, and should these negotiations fail, the Chairman could commence negotiations with Pukka Ponies Rescue
The terms to be put to Lesley Monk were: Deposit £1000
Insurance (as advised by Clerk)
First month’s rental of £400
The term to be 6 years with a rental review at 3 years.
It was resolved the Chairman commence negotiations on the terms of the lease as set out above.
It was stated the timer on the lights at the stables was not working and neither were the electrics on the heavy entrance gate. It was agreed to get these looked at and obtain a quote.
Vacancy for Parish Councillor
Councillors briefly discussed the 2 applicants, for what at the time of the meeting was 1 vacancy. It was stated that at the time of the meeting Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council had not given the Parish Council permission to co-opt for the second vacancy. There would be a ballot at the next Parish Council meeting on 7th February
The Chairman also stated that Catherine Moreland had resigned from the Parish Council that day and again Council would have to wait for permission from Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council to co-opt.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.55pm