
Minutes of Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting 15th October 2019

Minutes Uploaded on November 6, 2019


Minutes of Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting

Tuesday 15th October 2019

7.30pm in Wateringbury Village Hall



Cllr M Wells – Chairman

Cllr L Simons – Vice Chairman

Cllr R Tripp

Cllr D Marks

Cllr F Fielding


In attendance:

Mrs S J Cockburn – Clerk to the Council

Cllr S Hudson – Tonbridge & Malling Borough Councillor

11 Members of the public


The Chairman opened the meeting by reminding everyone in attendance the meeting may be filmed, recorded, photographed or otherwise reported and asked if any person present intends to make a video or audio recording of the proceedings.  None 

Item 1  – Apologies – Cllr M Burrows

Item 2  – Declarations of Interest – none

Item 3 –  Playing Fields Overflow car park

          The Chairman read out the attached letter received from Jenner     (Contractors) Ltd requesting use of the                   overflow car park.

Cllr Marks read out his comments – attached.

Cllr Tripp stated he was originally in favour of allowing use of the car park but     following residents having                spoken to him voicing their objections he had since

changed his mind and was against the request.

The Parish Council had consulted both the Wateringbury Sports &   Recreational Association and the tenant of            Drayhorse Meadow

The Chairman proposed rejection of Jenner (Contractors) Ltd request

All Councillors voted in favour     A letter would be sent to Jenner (Contractors)  Ltd

Item 4 – Heath Farm – Planning Application Appeal

          The Chairman referred to the appeal by Liberty to Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council’s refusal of building              at Heath Farm & Amber Lane. The Parish Council had submitted their comments to the Planning Inspectorate           as had East Malling & Larkfield Parish Council and Teston Parish Council.

Kings Hill Parish council would also make a submission. Teston would be arranging a road/speed survey on                A26 to Teston at a cost of   approximately £400.

The Chairman asked Councillors to consider carrying out a similar  road/speed survey on Bow Road and on                the A26 to the cemetery at a cost of £400.  Cllr Fielding said with the possible temporary traffic lights due                    at the crossroads it was possible any survey may not give a true picture.

Cllr Tripp remembered a road/speed survey carried out by KCC in the last year or so and it was agreed to see              if the Clerk could obtain sight of it.

Cllr Tripp proposed spending £400 on a traffic/speed survey and this was seconded by Cllr Simons   All                        Councillors voted in a favour. The Clerk was asked to liaise with Teston Parish Council

The Chairman felt more people in the village could support the representations made by the Parish Council                when objecting to additional traffic through Wateringbury.


Item 5 – Cemetery Rabbit Damage

          The Chairman referred to the amount of damage to graves caused by rabbits in the cemetery and a meeting               he had with Cllr Simons and the Clerk with Evergreen Rabbit Control.  It was estimated about 20 rabbits were            active on site.  The Chairman read out the quote attached received from Evergreen Rabbit Control for a total              of £570

A member of the public said there was a resident who had ferrets that might  be able to carry out remove                  of the rabbits.  It was agreed to put something on the Facebook page asking they contact the Clerk.  Cllr                    Simons agreed to   do this.  It was agreed if the Clerk had not received any contact by the next meeting then              the Parish Council would vote on the Evergreen Rabbit Control’s quote.


Item 6 – Public Discussion

          It was reported that due to the number of vehicles parked in Fields Lane any weed killing in the area had to be           abandoned.

Cllr Hudson said she had walked with Shaun Burgess from Jenner’s along Fields Lane to show the amount of              rubbish that had been dropped. Cllr Hudson referred to the vehicles parking in Fields Lane right up to                        the junction of Tonbridge road.  She had raised this with Traffic Enforcement and they would monitor the                    situation.

Cllr Hudson said the reason why Jenner’s had turned down using Teston Country Park for parking was due to              its opening hours.

The resident of The Brucks raised the problems of access to their property for the erection of an extension,                  which would need to be from the rear of the property and would require using the Parish Council’s track and              removing some hedging.  The Chairman said Council found it puzzling why their builder/architect had not                  identified the need for access earlier.  The Parish Council needed a signed license before work could proceed             and a template license could be found online.  The resident said this would be followed up and something                 would be sent to the Clerk as soon as possible.



The Chairman thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting at      8.20pm