
Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting 3rd November 2020

Minutes Uploaded on November 16, 2020


Minutes of Planning Committee meeting
Tuesday 3rd November 2020
immediately after the Parish Council Meeting
Held via Zoom

Cllr M Wells (Chairman)
Cllr R Tripp
Cllr D Marks
Cllr F Fielding

In attendance
Mrs S Cockburn – Clerk to the Council
Cllr Mrs S Hudson – Borough Councillor
Mrs C Byron – Rostrum Correspondent
2 Members of the Public

The Chairman announced the meeting would be recorded to assist the Clerk in taking the Minutes

1 Apologies for absence – none

2 Declarations of Interest/Dispensations – none

3 Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting 6th October 202 to be approved for accuracy
The minutes having been read were approved.

4 Planning Applications

Construction of new swimming pool

15 Upper Mill

Comment: The Parish Council must leave any decision to the Officer

Variation of condition 11 (operating hours) and 12 (vehicles) submitted pursuant to planning permission TM/09/02696/FL Change of use from redundant agricultural building to B1 light industrial use. Resubmission of application TM/08/03249/FL
Lower Green Barn Hermitage Farm Danns Lane

The Parish Council is concerned that this proposal will impact on the lives of our residents living in the vicinity of Hermitage farm.

The main farm cottages are roughly 50 to 60mtrs from the Green Barn in question and previous planning for a property to be made into 4 flats. Next to Hermitage Farm cottages there is also a renovation of a property taking place in the area of Heritage Farm and a bungalow in the same area.

At the entrance to Danns Lane there are occupied residential cottages that would be affected by the increase in traffic movements to the proposed operations of 06:00 to midnight 7 days a week. That is an increase of 61 hrs to 126hrs a week in possible traffic movements along Danns Lane from the present permission of 65 hrs, without the possible noise pollution around the Green Barn from the proposed installation of a refrigeration plant during the proposed 126 working hours per week.

The present hours of 08:00 to 19:00 Monday to Friday and 08:00 to13:00 Saturdays and no such movements on Sundays and bank holidays, it understood that these hours were imposed to “avoid unreasonable disturbance outside normal working hours to nearby residential properties”

The application form states ‘given the rural location of the site is an ideal for this type of use’ , with no obvious thought for the residents that also live in this rural area that will have their ideal severely decimated with unsocial hours of working, an increase in traffic movements and the loss of peaceful bank holidays if this application is approved.

We would also point out that unlike the answer in section 6 of the application form the site can be seen from Danns Lane, a public road.

The Parish Council strongly objects to this application and fully supports the views of the Director of Health and Housing Mr Peter Thomason with his letter of objection sent to Adem Mehmet of the 30th October

Garden shed 10x16ft 2.4m high located at the end of garden behind hedge 120 feet from house and 1 meter from boundary

A resident had objected to comments by the Parish Council on this application

The Chairman referred to a letter from the Inspectors on the Examination of the Tonbridge & Malling Local Plan sent to Ian Bailey at Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council stating there some serious concerns in relation to legal compliance, and a further detailed letter would be sent as soon as possible

The Meeting was closed at 8.20pm