Parish Council Report
As with all Parish Councils meetings have been postponed for the time being due to the virus and present restrictions. The next meeting of Wateringbury Parish Council will be on 1st September which may be held in public, depending on Government advice, or virtually. More information will be made available later.
Many thanks go to our Borough Councillor, Sarah Hudson, for all her efforts on behalf of the village – the living wall, the community larder and helping those in the village who needed assistance during the lockdown. Thanks also to the resident who produced and put up signs closing the play equipment – these remain out of bounds for the time being.
Some work previously discussed and agreed at a meeting have or are due to be carried out. Two of the three bus shelters have damage to their roofs. A quote for new roofs for both of £2500 was received from Bailey Roofing. Damage to the Bow Road shelter was caused by a tree and any work was dependent on the tree being removed by the landowner, Clarion Housing. This has now been done and work should be carried out shortly.
Additional repairs to the track leading to the playing fields have been carried out by Birkby Construction at a cost of £750.
The VAS electronic speed sign at the corner of Canon Lane needed to be replaced. KCC would not cover the cost so this had to be at the parish’s expense. An amount of £7000 was included in the 2019/2020 budget. Replacement was dependent on the result of a speed survey near Canon Lane on Tonbridge Road. This was carried out on the 29th February and the results sent to KCC in late March. On these results KCC have agreed to install a new solar powered VAS sign at a cost of £7982.25. There may be some delay in installation due to present restrictions.
Planning- a planning application from Tregothnan Estates is awaited for building 65 homes just the other side of Teston Road (opposite The North Pole Pub) which lies within Kings Hill. Access to the site is crucial and Wateringbury & Teston PC’s will oppose any attempt to open a new access from Wateringbury to Kings Hill.
Our PCSO Wendy Stanley has retired and PCSO Amy Sears has taken over. John Ibbs has resumed his village warden rounds now that some restrictions have been lifted. He will observe social distancing at all times.
For any up-to-date news or public notices please continue to check the website or for any queries please contact the Clerk at or telephone 01622 817068
Be alert, stay safe