Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held on
Tuesday 7th November 2017
Wateringbury Village Hall – immediately after the Parish Council meeting
Cllr M Wells (Chairman)
Cllr C Talbert
Cllr D Marks
Cllr L Simons
Cllr M Daly
In attendance
Mrs S Cockburn – Clerk to the Council
1 member of the public
- Apologies for absence – Cllr Tripp Cllr Cayzer Cllr Fielding
- Declarations of Interest/Dispensations – none
- Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held on 3rd October 2017 to be approved for accuracy – The Minutes having been read were approved.
- Planning Applications
TM/17/02821/FL TM/17/02821/LB
Demolition of lean-to and erection of single storey side replacement extension
159 Pizien Well Road
Comment: As long as the Listed Building officer is satisfied the Parish Council has no objection
Conversion of garage to annex including single storey rear extension
Cobnar 567 Red Hill
Comment: No objection
Conversion of an existing garden studio/outbuilding into a proposed annex associated with a residential dwelling
Manor Farm 108 Old Road
Comment: No objection
Report from Barry Cann giving update on concerns voiced
over sewer plans for the proposed development of Greensted.
to be tabled
No report received
The meeting was closed at approximately 9.50pm.