Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held on
Tuesday 9th January 2018
Wateringbury Village Hall – immediately after the Parish Council meeting
Cllr R Tripp (Chairman)
Cllr M Wells (Vice Chairman)
Cllr C Talbert
Cllr F Fielding
Cllr S Simons
In attendance
Mrs S Cockburn – Clerk to the Council
Cllr M Daly
Cllr S Tickner
0 members of the public
- Apologies for absence – Cllr Marks
- Declarations of Interest/Dispensations – none
- Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held on 5th December 2017 to be approved for accuracy – The Minutes were approved by Cllr Talbert and seconded by Cllr Fielding
- Planning Applications
Single storey porch and rear extension, alterations to windows and internal layout, replacement roof and install cladding
4 Upper Mill
Comment: No objection
Extension to existing double garage
1 Broomscroft Cottages 189 Canon Lane
Comment: No objection
Details of conditions 12 (acoustic protection) and 15 (external lighting) submitted pursuant to planning permission TM/16/00920/FL (Demolition of the existing Greensted Residential Care Home and erection of 51 Older person’s extra car units (C2 use class) with associated communal facilities, landscaping and parking)
Abbeyfield Greensted Residential Home 16 The Orpines
Comment: external lighting situated near to number 15a The Orpines needs to be screened in order to avoid any light problems for the resident
The meeting was closed at approximately 9.25pm.