
Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting 7th June 2016

Minutes Uploaded on February 22, 2017


  Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting on Tuesday 7th June  2016 Wateringbury Village Hall – immediately after the Parish Council meeting



Cllr M Wells (Vice Chairman)          

Cllr Mrs L Simons

Cllr D Marks                                                                           

Cllr C Talbert                                   

Cllr J Evans

Cllr D Stones                                    


In attendance

Mrs S Cockburn – Clerk to the Council

Ms Trudy Bailey – KM reporter

1 member of the public


1         Apologies for absence

    Cllr M Cayzer & Cllr Mrs Moreland & Cllr R Tripp

2         Declarations of interest


3         Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council Local Plan – Call for Sites

Email from Steve Humphrey setting out briefing arranged for         Town & Parish Councils on Tuesday 28th June 7.30pm at Kings Hill – two members invited.  Assessments on 7 sites attached

Cllr Cayzer said he would attend the briefing

4        Planning Applications


Replacement of carport with a garage structure of the same size and general design

Hillside 17 Hillside Court


The Parish Council is very disappointed at the use of materials not in keeping with the existing structure


Single storey rear extension

137 Bow Road


No objection


Erection of four bedroom dwelling. Revised design to that approved under TM/15/0253/FL

18 Red Hill


The amendments were not clear – request TMBC for more details