
Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting 5th July 20222

Minutes Uploaded on September 22, 2022


Minutes of Planning Committee meeting Tuesday 5th July 2022 held immediately after the Parish Council Meeting



Cllr P Gregson (Chairman)
Cllr R Tripp
Cllr M Wells
Cllr F Fielding

In attendance

Mrs S Cockburn – Clerk to the Council
Mrs C Byron – Rostrum correspondent
0 Members of the public


1     Apologies for absence –  Cllr Simons Cllr Owen
Cllr Tripp announced he would be standing down from the Planning

2     Declarations of Interest/Dispensations – none

3      Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting 7th June 2022 to be approved for accuracy
       The Minutes were approved by Cllr Fielding and seconded by Cllr Wells

4     Parish Infrastructure Statement
Parish Councils were requested to complete a statement which  would outline projects in the parish that could  potentially be funded by a contribution within a S106 agreement.  It was agreed the new play equipment proposal should be included in the statement.

 5   Planning Applications


Oakenwood Cottage 243 Red Hill

Ground floor rear extension and associated internal alterations, installation of 1st floor shower room and roof light to rear, dormer window to the rear and demolition of existing garage structure and erection of replacement double garage 


Oakenwood Cottage 243 Red Hill

Ground floor rear extension and associated internal alterations, installation of 1st floor shower room and roof light to rear, dormer window to the rear and demolition of existing garage structure and erection of replacement double garage


Comment: As long as the Listed Building Officer is satisfied the Parish Council had no objection


The meeting closed at approximately 8.44pm