Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held on
Tuesday 3rd April 2018
Wateringbury Village Hall – immediately after the Parish Council meeting
Cllr R Tripp (Chairman)
Cllr D Marks
Cllr F Fielding
In attendance
Mrs S Cockburn – Clerk to the Council
Cllr Tickner
0 members of the public
- Apologies for absence – Cllr Wells & Cllr Simons
- Declarations of Interest/Dispensations – none
- Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held on 6th March 2018 to be approved for accuracy – It was stated Cllr Tickner was not present at the last meeting as shown on the Minutes, these would be redacted. The Minutes were approved by Cllr Marks and seconded by Cllr Tripp.
- Planning Applications
Proposed loft conversion with dormer window to rear elevation, 2 Velux windows to the front elevation and black powder coated flue to side elevation
41 Bow Road
Comment: As long as there is no objection from the neighbours the Parish Council has no objection
- Knole Farm – Wateringbury/Teston -complaint re possible change of use
Residents in Red Hill were concerned about land at the back of their gardens which was being used as some form of storage. There were containers on site, a number of vehicles and the number of items on site was increasing. There is no entrance to the land from Red Hill but in Malling Road Teston. This issue had been raised with TMBC before when the Borough Council were asked to liaise with Maidstone Borough Council but nothing had been done. TMBC Planning enforcement have been asked to look into this again. It was agreed that if a satisfactory answer was not forthcoming contact should be made to the Borough Council’s Chief Executive
The meeting was closed at approximately 9.45pm.