
Minutes of Highways Committee meeting 29th January 2019

Minutes Uploaded on February 8, 2019


Minutes of Highways Committee Meeting

Tuesday 29th January 2019 6pm Village Hall



Cllr J Roe (Chairman)

Cllr D Marks

Cllr L Simons

Cllr D Stones


In attendance

Mrs S J Cockburn – Clerk to the Council

Cllr M Wells

0 Members of the Public


Item 1 – Election of Chairman

Cllr Roe was proposed as Chairman by Cllr Simons and seconded by Cllr    Marks.  All voted in favour.  Cllr Roe was duly elected Chairman of the Highways Committee

Item 2 – Apologies for absence – None

Item 3 – Declarations of Interest/Dispensations – none

Item 4 –  Speeding -Speed Awareness Sign, SID, Speedwatch

Cllr Roe stated a reply was still awaited from MP Tom Tugenthat regarding why KCC would not cover the cost of replacing the sign Canon Lane. It was stated that if a new sign was erected KCC would have to move the        existing pole and find a new electric supply.  It was agreed the cost of £7000 in the budget to fund a new sign may fall short of the final cost.

The Committee would put forward any recommendations to the next Parish Council meeting on 5th February

Item 5 – Road Repairs – Cllr Roe had drawn up a list of roads in the parish either needing attention or work completed.

The potholes at the crossroads had still not been repaired

The pavement opposite the village hall was covered in leaves and mud and  needed clearing

It was reported vehicles were using the public right of way from Bow Road to Love Lane during the road works in Bow Road. At this point Cllr Stones declared an interest confirming part of the track was owned by Wateringbury Pear Orchards.  Cllr Roe suggested a letter go to WPO pointing this out.

TMBC had been advised of vehicles parking in Fields Lane right up to the   junction with Tonbridge Road

After discussion it was agreed the Committee would put forward any recommendations to the next full        Parish Council meeting on 5th February.

Item 6 – Pollution – nothing to report other than the unit in the village hall was         attended regularly by TMBC

Item 7Crossroad Planning update – nothing further had been heard from KCC on the proposed alterations to the crossroads.  It was suggested Council    ask for a meeting with KCC to discuss this further

The Chairman stated a letter had been received from a resident who had asked KCC, under the Freedom of Information Act, to have sight of the study/reports on the crossroad alterations.  This had been refused and the resident has asked the Parish to obtain the information.

After discussion it was agreed the Committee would put forward any recommendations to the next full parish Council meeting on 5th February

Item 8Public Discussion – There were no members of the public in attendance

Item 9 – Date of next meeting – Tuesday 26th February 2019 6pm

The meeting was closed at 7.30pm