
Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting 5th July 2016

Minutes Uploaded on February 22, 2017


  Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting on Tuesday 5th July  2016 Wateringbury Village Hall – immediately after the Parish Council meeting



Cllr R Tripp (Chairman)

Cllr Mr Wells (Vice Chairman)         

Cllr M Cayzer

Cllr Mrs L Simons                                                                   

Cllr C Talbert                                   

Cllr J Evans

Cllr D Stones                                    


In attendance

Mrs S Cockburn – Clerk to the Council

Mrs Christine Byron – KM reporter

1 member of the public


1         Apologies for absence

    Cllr Mrs Moreland & Cllr Marks


2         Declarations of interest



3          Planning Applications



Erection of four bedroom dwelling. Revised design to that approved under TM/15/0253/FL

18 Red Hill


 Comment: The Parish council were not given the drawings of the garage so a comment cannot be made on this application.  Furthermore we still have concerns of this application regarding line of sight when exiting this development on to the narrowest point on Red Hill.  It is proven by our Speedwatch team that excessive speeds of vehicles on this part of the road is common compounding a danger to road users.  No agreement has been made to improve the line of sight with the adjacent land owner even though it is shown on the application.  There are further concerns with water drain off from the proposed application on to an already flooding road in heavy rain with surface water running down Red Hill.



Alterations to elevations and change of cladding material

10 Upper Mill



No objection


The meeting was closed at 9.47pm



