
Minutes of Highways & Transportation Committee Meeting 1st October 2019

Minutes Uploaded on November 27, 2019


Minutes of Highways Committee Meeting

Tuesday 1st October 6.30pm Village Hall



Cllr M Wells (Chairman)

Cllr D Marks

Cllr L Simons

Cllr M Burrows


In attendance

Cllr S Hudson – Tonbridge & Malling Borough Councillor

Mrs S J Cockburn – Clerk to the Council

4 Members of the Public


Item 1 – Apologies for absence – Cllr Tripp

Item 2 – Declarations of Interest/Dispensations – none

Item 3-  Minutes of meeting held on 16th February 2019 to be approved for accuracy –  Approval of the Minutes, which were not available previously, was proposed by Cllr Marks and seconded by Cllr Simons

Item 4 – Minutes of Meeting held on 16th April 2019 to be approved for   accuracy – Approval of the Minutes was proposed by Cllr Marks and  seconded by Cllr Wells

Item 5 – Matters arising from Minutes of 16th April 2019

Nothing raised

Item 6 –  Highways Issues

Due to time constraints not all items on the Agenda were  discussed   

Bow Road 20mph – Cllr Hudson was seeking support from the Parish Council for a 20mph limit on Bow Road which would take in the area near the school.  All Councillors were in favour of supporting this and the Parish Council would contact KCC.

The Orpines – The Parish Council had received a letter from Jenner’s the contractor working on the new building in The Orpines requesting permission for use of the overflow car park adjacent to the pavilion in the playing fields.  A previous request had been turned down on various grounds. Cllr Marks said that enforcement of the use of the car park was not possible as it could not be monitored, and he felt the two leases in force with the WSRA and Drayhorse Meadow overrides a decision on the car park.   Cllr Simons proposed the latest request be turned out and this was seconded by Cllr Marks.  No vote was taken. The Chairman said that as a full Council was not present this item be deferred and discussed at the next Parish Council Meeting in November. This would be the recommendation to the Parish Council meeting which followed

It was stated that issues with parking were raised at the initial planning application stage but this was not taken on board by Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council.

Cllr Hudson said Jenner’s still had use of the adjacent farmer’s field and that she had spoken to Jenner’s about moving parked vehicles from Fields Lane

Some members of the public voiced their disappointment that this issue was being deferred.

Crossroad Alterations – There had been no update as KCC were still negotiating costs with the utilities.  When new plans were available these would go out for public consultation.

Ambulance Sirens – there had been complaints on the sirens being used during the early hours of the morning when there was little or no traffic on the road.  Cllr Hudson said the drivers were made aware of the rules and regulations and regularly updated.

Red Hill waste bin – A request had been received from the Friends of Wateringbury for a waste bin somewhere on Red Hill. The Parish Council would have to cover the cost and get Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council’s waste contractor to empty it.  After discussion it was decided against a bin as it was stated few pedestrians used Red Hill. The vast majority of litter was thrown from passing vehicles.

Speed Indictor Device – Cllr Burrows understood Cllr Matthew Balfour was going to look into problem of the batteries only having a short life.  The Council had decided not to replace the Electronic Speed Sign at Canon Lane due to cost, so it was suggested having a solar powered sign might be an alternative.  The Council would follow this up.

Item 7Playing Field Track Repairs – The Council had received quotes for  repairs but as some residents had stated the present state of the track slowed speeding vehicle/motorbikes down they had asked the track be left as it was. It was suggested to defer this to the Parish Council meeting that followed.

Item 8Public Discussion – A 20mph limit was suggested on Tonbridge Road as a speeding lorry had nearly caused a collision with car.

The Chairman said let Council pursue a 20mph limit on Bow Road first to  get KCC’s comments

It was stated that there are signs on the road in almost every village but Wateringbury had very few.  The Chairman said the Council had asked Kent Highways for existing signs on the road to be refreshed.   Kent Highway had said due to cost they would not be refreshing any of the red markings on roads in the county.

Item 9 –  Date of next meeting – this was to be agreed

The meeting was closed at 7.35pm