
Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting 2nd April 2019

Minutes Uploaded on May 15, 2019


Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held on

Tuesday 2nd April 2018

Wateringbury Village Hall – immediately after the Parish Council meeting



Cllr D Marks

Cllr F Fielding

Cllr L Simons

Cllr R Tripp

In attendance

Mrs S Cockburn – Clerk to the Council

Mrs C Byron – Rostrum correspondent

5 members of the public


1       Apologies for absence – None

2       Declarations of Interest/Dispensations – none

 3  Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held on 5th March 2019 to be approved for accuracy

4       Planning Applications


Increase in ridge height of proposal granted under TM/18/02150/FL by  0.5m and replacement of Nissen hut with single storey domestic  garage
Coppice Court 70 Teston Road


The Parish Council asks the LPA to take on board their  concerns that this proposal makes the building much bigger than the original permitted development.


Siting of caravans to be occupied by seasonal workers and storage of those caravans on the land outside season,  construction of a porta cabin to provide recreation room  and the provisional of parking space for workers at Home Farm
Home Farm Red Hill Wateringbury


The Parish Council feels the Revised Design Access & Planning Statement does not make any changes and therefore the Parish Council’s original comments stand


Demolition of a section of boundary wall, up to 2.2metres high, required under sections 77 and 78 of The Buildings Act 1984

The Red House Cottage 29 Old Road


If the Conservation Officer is satisfied the Parish Council has no  objection, but would have preferred the section to be replaced with a  brick wall


  The meeting closed at approximately 9.05pm