Minutes of Planning Committee meeting
Tuesday 1st December 2020
immediately after the Parish Council Meeting
Held via Zoom
Cllr M Wells (Chairman)
Cllr R Tripp
Cllr D Marks
Cllr F Fielding
In attendance
Mrs S Cockburn – Clerk to the Council
Cllr Mrs S Hudson – Borough Councillor
Mrs C Byron – Rostrum Correspondent
4 Members of the Public
The Chairman announced the meeting would be recorded to assist the Clerk in taking the Minutes
1 Apologies for absence – none
2 Declarations of Interest/Dispensations – none
3 Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting 3rd November 2020
to be approved for accuracy – The minutes having been read were approved.
Planning Applications
141 Bow Road
Erection of 2 Dwellings
Comment: The Parish Council objects on the basis that it does not meet the HCA/Homes England space standards expected for new homes, is overdevelopment and does not meet the required architectural design standards for such a prominent, sensitive site in the conservation area.
Land to the south of Teston Road
Construction of 5 stables with ancillary storage, parking, dug=ng and bedding area, outside training area also use of land for the keeping, breeding training and care of horses including their gazing for personal recreation
Comment: The Parish Council still has serious concerns re this application, as whilst the bulk of the site is not within our parish, despite a smaller area being within our remit, the effect on residents within our parish could be significant. The PC is very concerned as to any development or change of use in this area which could increase traffic generation and its extent in Ketridge Lane and If this application is granted, we would ask that conditions be applied to prevent any extension of highway restrictions in place and the extension of permitted activities on site (bearing in mind the previous withdrawn application) and to firmly regulate the timing of and activities on site permitted. We also would ask for conditions to control the waste generated by the use and that generated during construction and the timing of building contract operations.
238 Tonbridge Road
Listed Building Application removal of five existing sash windows at the front of property and to b replaced with new replacement double glazed slenderline units.
Comment: The Parish Council notes the application and understand the requirement. However, we ask that the listed buildings officer is consistent in considering the replacement of timber sash windows by those proposed, bearing in mind previous similar applications.
Coppice Court 70 Teston Road
Application under S73 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) Variation of Condition 5 (no lighting) of planning permission TM/19/02966/FL dated 12th February 2020 for erection of building for indoor dog training to allow some external lights to be installed.
Comment: The Parish Council objects to this proposal and do not see any overriding justification to change the condition relating to external lighting re permission 02966 when granted.
3 Mill Lane – Yew Tree reduce by 20%
Comment: As long as the Tree Officer is satisfied the Parish Council has no objection
9 Warden Mill Close
Demolition of existing store to side elevation and construction of proposed single storey side extension
Comment: No objection
The Chairman referred to a previous application TM/20/02237/FL Lower Green Barn Danns Lane – variation of condition 11 (operating hours) and 12 (vehicles) submitted pursuant to planning permission TM/09/02696/FL (Change of use from redundant agricultural building to B1 light industrial use/Resubmission of application TM/08/03249/FL) The Parish Council had objected on the grounds of noise and disturbance.
Permission had been refused.
The meeting was closed at 8.35pm